‘Experiencing Union Through Horses.’
Collected Canter: #1. 10m circle. #2. side pass into a 20m circle. #3. outside leg is back,to stabilize. #4. Inside leg is forward and on.
Side Pass to the Left: #1 Lean to Left, (nose just to the left of her mane.) #2 Right leg behind the girth and working. #3 Left leg is still and holding. #4 Look ahead, relax your haunches. #5 Right rein slightly tighter. #6 Allowing your horse to gracefully flow to the left.
Learning to lunge, walk, trot and canter.
Preparing lunge line, into a bow to avoid tangling or rope circling around limbs.
Lunge from trot to walk to stop. Horse bows and both parties connect and relax.
Conscious Rider: RIDING MISSION ‘Learn to Ride Consciously with Calm, Strength and Joy.’