Transform Trauma

A six week course on Saturday mornings that teach you how to go from triggering onto ‘The Fear Cycle’ by embodying thus returning to Love or peace, just how the horses deal with fear.  

We learn to recognize being triggered in fear.  Going from a judgmental, fear based mind set i.e. playing victim roles like the Enabler / Rescuer or the Tormentor / Persecutor and the Overt and Covert Victim.  All fear roles are learnt from fear based adults teaching us fear as children.  Adults around us do not mean to do this we all have our fears. 

We learn to discern authentic needs instead of stuck in one of these victim roles.  Eventually shifting into heart based behaviours by ‘Flipping the Cycle’ from Enabler to an authentic Humanitarian and from Tormentor to a Warrior for peace and from enabled enraged inner children to Healthy Connected Empaths.

As a group and individually, we work under the arena with the animals and on the land.  The woods, creeks and meadows teaching us how to embody peace and learn to meditate in nature.

An example of Equine Therapy.  A simple exercise with the horses; we create an easy obstacle course,  using ropes and hoops we do it with our selected horse. Challenges may occur and our subconscious coping mechanisms emerge.  Once we finish the excersise we discuss and sometimes notice this behaviour not working for us for the first time.  Once unwanted behaviour is acknowleged it can up graded using Phsych-K and EFT or EMDR.

Horses can act as honest, non-judgemental reflections.

Simple meditation techniques with the horses give us an idea of the peace and power being still gives us.

Equine Therapy Mission:  ‘Transform Trauma, Return to Love.’